5 Reasons to Heat With Wood

1. Efficiency standards have increased

Efficiency standards that were put into place by federal and provincial governments in Canada and the US in the early 00’s limit emissions to 4.5 grams/hour. Since then, healthy competition amongst stove manufacturers have produced stove models on the market that emit as little as 2grams/hour.

2. It let’s you live off-grid

While not possible for everyone, living “off grid” is growing in popularity. These days especially, as we’re forced to distance ourselves from others, living in a rural setting where space is abundant is more appealing than ever to young families. Look for a trend towards off grid living in the future along with a spike in sales for alternative methods of heating.

3. It’s sustainable

In regions where heating with wood makes sense, forests are highly productive.

In his book Wood Heat (Firefly Books, 2014), Andrew Jones cites Foresters as having claimed wood burning could double in most of these regions without unduly straining forestry resources, as long as selective harvesting is used to thin dense stands, remove poor-quality trees, and seed trees of a wide variety of species and ages are left standing.

4. Heating with wood is economically viable

Dollar for dollar, wood burning is less expensive than conventional heat sources. Of course, it depends on the size of your home and whether you are heating one room or an entire house. Even so, heating with wood can be as much as 25% cheaper.

5. It’s satisfying

Commitment to social and environmental responsibility gives people that heat with wood a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. It’s not easy, after all. Especially if you chop and stack your own supply. Providing your family with warmth through a northern winter with a wood stove is something to celebrate!